The Edge of the world
(Au Bord du monde)
A film by Cécile Bicler and Hervé Coqueret
Catherine lives in the town of Neuvy sur Barangeon, where she works at a bar called "The Edge of the World", with her best friend Marie. One February day, Cathy makes the acquaintance of her new neighbor, Joël. Together, they go to hear Sexy Sushi, a band that seems to turn listeners into lunatics. That evening, an improvised house party takes place at Cathy's. But, before long, the party turns into a nightmare. Acteurs
Marie-Bénédicte Cazeneuve Thibaut Corrion Laetitia Dosch Cyril Texier Credits
Executive producer : Mathieu Bompoint Line producer : Claire Trinquet Screenwriters : Cécile Bicler, Hervé Coqueret, David H.Pickering Director of photography : Julien Poupard Sound recordist : Philippe Deschamps Production manager : Philippe Valentin Editors : Cécile Bicler, Marie Estelle Dieterlé Sound editor : Philippe Deschamps Continuity supervisor : Mathilde Guermonprez Production designer : Benjamin Lamps Costume designer : Laurence Forgue-Lockhart Special effects : Julien Poncet, Charles Poncet, Olivier Marais Sound mixer : Yohann Angelvy Technical details
Short film Genre : Fiction Sub-genres : Fantastique Themes : Amour, Couple, Horreur, Vengeance, Meurtre, Mort Production language : Français Nationality : 100% French (France) Production year : 2011 Runtime : 25 min Visa number : 124.498 Visa issue date : 20/06/2011 Production format : HD Screening formats : 35 mm - DCP Color type : Color Aspect ratio : 1,85 Sound format : DTS SR |
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