The Legend of Symeon
Spring season of LIGHTNING
A film by Manuela Morgaine
The Legend of Symeon resuscitates a Stylite, a god maniac who lived atop a column for 40 years. Symeon was struck dead by a bolt of lightning in the desert of Cham near Palmyra, Syria. But he also digs for lost artifacts. He tells the true story of Aleppo soap and its cauldron filled with myths. He tells how, every spring, lightning engenders an aphrodisiac truffle called Kama which goes by the name of “Allah’s vegetable” in The Arabian Nights. Credits
Syméon : Michaël Jasmin Nevil : Frank Smith with the participation of Saturne : William de Carvalho Executive Producer : Mathieu Bompoint Screenwriter : Manuela Morgaine Directors of Photography : Manuela Morgaine Pauline Lormant Production Managers : Edyta Janczak-Hiriart Editor : Gordona Othnin-Girard Music Composer : Emmanuel Hoseyn During Sound Mixer :Gilles Benardeau |